Mommie Dearest

To All my Children...

“The Greatest role of her life… was her life.”

about Joan Crawford

To all my children,

Be blessed. Be blessed in all your endeavors. May you walk close to God all your life. May you feel the touch of good fortune and warmth of heart. May I pass on to you what has been passed on to me: eternal devotion and unwavering faith. Know that with these two you’ll have anything you ever wish for.

If you ever find yourself in hard times, smile. Smile a lot. It means things have been set in motion by the powers of the Universe to make you Good. That’s Life’s way of telling you, you have been chosen to follow a special path.

Embrace fate, always. Yield to the devil, for the more you resist it the more it clings.

Don’t be afraid of anyone or of going anywhere, but check your instinct before all decisions. It is never wrong.

Ask Why?…anytime you can.

Contradict anyone who tells you “you can’t”, immediately. Make that your life’s Mission. Never seek or desire revenge and instead use that as fuel to take you even further.

Do not hold on to resentments. They hold you down, wrinkle your face and upset your stomach.

Let go of evil deeds as soon as you can, it’s looking for fertile ground to grow.

Be lofty and weightless like an angel. Educate yourself in all things, but strive to be natural in everything that you do. Rival the beauty of the flowers blooming in the spring, not with your face but with your heart.

Desire to be nothing more than who you are. Be rebellious. Be heavy, be stubborn. Be assertive. take yours.

Send to hell anyone who threatens you with hell.

Above all things, keep yourself warm through your own inner flame. Develop yourself. Trust in your abilities and talents.

Whenever you feel alone, which you will, pray. Whenever you feel sad, pray. Pray in the morning and pray at night. Pray with a full stomach and pray when you have nothing. Prayer will take you straight to yourself.

Make everything personal. You’re only alive as long as you’re feeling so never stop feeling or experience.

Imagination is the only reality. Unfettered, will make you anxious. With proper guidance and direction it will make you anything you desire. Use it to imagine good things. Better things. You can have fun & succeed. You can love work. In the land of Imagination, you do not have to compromise. Your reality is your beliefs. So believe in the good. Believe in God, and make Him benevolent. Be charitable but do not force your helping hand on anyone and do not use charity to assert your position in Life. The only position worth striving for is on the right side of God. Believe in guardian angels and they will appear.

Happiness is a decision: choose it asap. Love the Story that is your Life. Participate joyfully in it’s Creation. Be yourself in all things. Master simplicity in all aspects of your Life.

Forgive as fast as you can but always start with yourself. Make it a practice. Use your difficulties and heartaches not to get bitter at the world but to get softer. The pain you feel is you tapping into everyone else’s pain. Life is difficult but be Grateful you’re allowed to be her companion. Lead always by example. The world does watch.

Do not take the weight of the world on your shoulders. Do not take anything for granted. Search for beauty in all things. Starting with yourself.

The fastest way to grow is to make everything your fault.

Don’t suffer for nothing. Make your suffering a worthy cause. Do not speak ill of yourself in any circumstance and walk away from anyone who does. Love is simple.

Don’t take it upon yourself to make everyone or anyone understand you or agree with you. No one truly knows the way. Consider how frightening it is to feel lost.

Whatever feelings you may experience in this Life, welcome them all. They are blueprints to your soul. To everyone’s soul. If you’ve felt it, others have too.

The remedies to any illness, physical, mental or spiritual, reside in you. Do not seek anything outside of your vessel. Accept compliments and accept advice. But stay the course.



God loves you for He has made you.

To my darling children, with Love:

Mommy Dearest

*The following advice is intended for mature audiences. The purpose of this newsletter is to inform and entertain. Follow advice at your own risk.

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