The Outsider

The Real Estate Newsletter for Rebels

“When a man hits a target they call him a marksman. When I hit a target, they call it a trick.”

Annie Oakley

Anything your realtor can do, I can do Better. I can do anything better than them!

Anything they can be, I can be greater. Sooner or later, I’ll be greater than them.

Any note they can reach, I can go higher. I can sing any song higher than most.

Anything they can sell, I can sell better. They keep laughing at me and soon they’ll be toast.

Anything your realtor can say, I can say softer. I can say anything softer than them.

Anything your Realtor Wears, I’ll wear it better. I’ll wear any suit so much better than them.

Any note they can hold, I can hold longer. I can hold any note longer than any of them.

Yes, I can! Yes, I can! Yes, I can!

Anything your Realtor promises, I can deliver it better. I can deliver so much better than any.

I can jump a hurdle, I can wear a girdle. I can knit a sweater and I’ll even fill it better. I can bake you a pie…but the questions is: will I?

Today’s Newsletter is inspired by “Annie, get your Gun” and meant for entertainment purposes only.

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