The Outsider

From the Mouth of Babes: 2

“It's enormously cheering to get a good review by someone who seems to understand your work.”

Kenneth Koch

Today, I wanted to share some of the reviews from people that have worked directly with mee in the last couple years.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy receiving them.

Feel free to share yours as well if you feel inspired to. All comments remain anonymous for client’s protection.

You can reply directly to this email or Contact Mee Here!

“We looked at the calendar the other day and we realized that we had our offer accepted exactly 3 weeks after our first phone call with you, that’s pretty amazing!”

Mr. First Time Homebuyer

“Signed all the paperwork today. Thinking of you. I could not have gotten through this without you. your voice is in my head whenever I start doubting myself. I can not thank you enough.”

Miss HomeSeller

“How can you improve our experience?? It was exceptional from the start!”

Mr. HomeBuyer

“It’s not about the money, it’s about the stories. And you have quite the Story.”

Mister Rain Maker

“I’m honestly excited to follow your Journey and see what you are going to do with your career.”

Miss HomeBuyer

“I feel like I’ve discovered a diamond in the rough.”

Mister Investor

“I see you as a creative genius and my own personal muse. I don’t think most people see it yet, but I do.”

Mister Team Leader

Loved this... Eloquent.. Beautiful...just like YOU!”

Mister Outsider Reader

“Filipa! Girl. i just have to tell you, I LOVE your vibe.”

Miss Local Lender

“You are an inspiring individual, thank you for being vulnerable and being your true self in this fake world of sales. You give great advice and insights, keep it up.”

Mr. Real Estate Agent

“You are so Creative!! I love it!

Miss Marketing Strategist

Want to chat about Home Ownership? Contact Mee Today

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If you’d like to schedule a personalized Complimentary Consultation with Mee, click here. 

To ask any questions, troubleshoot any ideas or just chat about Real Estate talk to mee here or just answer directly to this email.

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