Desperately Seeking...

"Desperately Seeking Susan. Keep the faith. Tuesday. 10AM. Battery Park. Gangway 1. Love, Jim"

Roberta Glass

The headline of everyone’s personal newspaper is, most likely, money! We all desire more money, to be better at investing it, saving it, donating, etc.

Whatever your hangups or questions about money may be, we all have some. It is of the utmost importance that we give Financial Literacy a chance. Greed isn’t the goal, hoarding wealth or disgusting displays of it isn’t either. Not at House.Roc, at least.

My intention remains to open the door to discuss wealth and that together we can walk towards a more enlighten way of speaking about money.

Reach out any time if you have questions or need to be paired up with an expert: I am here to help!

*Today’s newsletter is inspired by the 1986’ movie “Desperately Seeking Susan” and is intended for entertainment purposes only

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I am Real Estate agent licensed in the State of NY with Keller Williams of Greater Rochester.